Tuotrial 01 – Import AutoCAD Plans and Create a Furniture Layout in Coohom
How to create a layout in Coohom
Welcome to the first tutorial in my Coohom series! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to import a floor plan from AutoCAD into Coohom and create a furniture layout. Whether you’re new to Coohom or just looking for tips to speed up your workflow, this guide will walk you through the process step by step.
before we start:
- 👉 Sign up for a free Coohom account today, and use code “zkacademy” to get a 72% discount if you decide to upgrade later!
- 👉 Download the dwg Studio plan we are going to design in this tutorial series.
Process Breakdown
Here’s where we break down the process into sections:
1. Importing a Plan from AutoCAD
Importing your floor plan into Coohom is the first step. Follow these instructions to make sure your plan fits perfectly.
- Save as DXF or DWG: Ensure your plan is saved in a compatible format like DXF or DWG.
- Open Coohom: Go to the "Projects" tab, start a new project, and select "Import Plan."
Import your dwg plan in Coohom
- Upload File: Click “Upload” and select your saved AutoCAD file. make sure to select the "recognize and generate floor plan" option to save time making the walls, windows ..etc, and click "Confirm"
Recognize and generate floor plan option in Coohom
- Set Scale: Adjust the scale if needed. Coohom often detects the correct scale, but it’s always good to double-check. make sure you are working on millimeters or inches, otherwise you may find some problems importing the plan.
- Adjust Layers: You can turn layers on/off to focus on specific parts of the plan, like walls or furniture layouts.
Show/Hide layers in Coohom
2. Setting Up the Furniture Layout
Now that your plan is in Coohom, you’re ready to create a functional and aesthetic furniture layout. Remember, the goal of this layout is to give you an idea about what we will do in this tutorial series. You can also use the layout during the first discussions with your clients to give them an idea about the space organization, and furniture placement before moving to the design phase. this can save a huge time, because it is so easy to make adjustment on a layout now than on a complete 3d model later.
- Select Room Type: Start by defining the room types (living room, kitchen, etc.).
- Add Furniture: Go to the Layout tab. search for sofas, cabinets ... etc and drag-and-drop items into your layout.
Layout tab in Coohom
- Fine-Tuning Placement: Use Coohom’s alignment and snap tools to place items precisely. If you’re working with tight spaces, use the "Grid" tool for extra precision.
- Group Items: Group similar items like seating or tables to make adjustments easier later.
- Preview in 3D: Always check the 3D preview to make sure the furniture is proportionate and arranged nicely within the space.
Additional Tips or FAQs
Answer any common questions or provide tips that might help users.
- Tip 1: Make sure to save your project frequently to avoid losing work.
- Tip 2: Use Coohom’s "Room Builder" to define walls before placing furniture, for greater accuracy.
- FAQ: "What should I do if the imported plan looks distorted?"
- Answer: Double-check the scale and adjust the units in Coohom to match your original AutoCAD settings.
Transcript: "Below is a full transcript of the video tutorial. If you prefer reading over watching, this section will guide you through the process."
Hey everyone, welcome to the first tutorial in my Coohom series. I am excited to take you through everything you need to know about this amazing platform and how it can transform your interior design process.
To get started, simply click the link in the description to create your free Cohome account. Plus, you will get a 70% discount if you decide to upgrade later. once your account is set up, you'll see a button in the top right corner labeled workspace.
Click on it and it will take you to where all your projects are stored. From there, just click Create a new project to begin. So this is what the workspace of GoHome looks like. And I'm not going to explain any of these tools or lists. because based on my experience, the best way to learn any software is to directly start working on real projects, which is exactly what we are going to do.
So to start, let's just head over to import a floor plan and then click on generate, recognize, and generate. And what this is going to do is basically it's going to read your floor plan and create the walls, doors, and windows directly. So recognize and generate. And then you select the plan. And by the way, you can find this file in the link in the description. So just click auto recognition. And here we are. You can see that it automatically created the floor the walls and doors. just need to select this door and mirror it. Let's do the same with this one. From here, you can adjust the height of your floor plan. And I'm going to make it three meters, which is basically 3000 millimeters.
Let's start making some adjustments here. I'd like to remove this wall, so let's just bring it down here.and you can see in the plan we have some openings here, but Koham automatically generated the walls. So just select the split tool from the edit list and start cutting the wall. Exactly like this. And then we can simply select the parts that we don't need and simply delete them. so this is how the plan looks so far. Don't worry about these Chinese names or whatever. It's just the name of the space where you can just select it and you can choose the name of the space from this list or you can write this manually here.
For me, I would like to keep all my workspace clean so I'm going to hide all of this information. And to do so, just click on the eye icon and uncheck these boxes. Wall dimension and invisible. Let's switch to the 3d and see what our 3d model looks like. You can see that it's automatically placed the windows and doors. But I don't like the windows so I am going to delete them and place them again. from the floor plan. To do so, just go to the construction list, then window. And select floor-to-ceiling windows. And you'll have a huge list that you can just let's go with this one for this part. you just need to select it and place it on the wall. And to adjust its dimensions, just select it and adjust it from the left and right. And you can see here how it looks in the 3D.
Let's select another one for the living room area. Yes, let's go with this one. Again, select it and adjust its dimensions let's go back to the 3d and see how it looks. Perfect. And let's place the sliding door in this part, which is going to separate the bedroom from the living room. So let's just go back to the floor plan. And this time we are going to select a sliding door from the doors. click on the sliding door. And let's maybe Okay, let's go with this one. Oops, it looks like we need to adjust the wall. Make it longer so it will be placed. So, let's go with this one again place it and boom it works check how it looks.
I think i need to flip it on the other side. Now it's better. And here we can adjust its dimensions. So I'm going to keep it like two meters and a half high. Let's go back to the 2d view. And now what I am going to do is I am going to create a layout just to show you how the studio is going to be so i'm going to place the furniture, cabinet, so you can get an idea of what we are going to do in this tutorial series. And to do so, just head over to the layout. And here you will get all the furniture, cabinets, wherever that we can place in our plan.
So, let's just select an l-shaped sofa. Yes, I will go with this one. Rotate it. And place it. Let's adjust its dimensions a bit. So it won't take too much space. A coffee table. And it's maybe scaled a bit. This is where the dining room table is going to be. I'm going to scale it down a bit. Yes, a bed. The closet.
basically the goal of this layout in the initial part of your project where you can create a quick layout to show to your client and discuss the placement of furniture and functionalities wherever and I'm going to place another cabinet here for the laundry. Just scale it. And for the kitchen, Let's just place, yes.
This is basically where the kitchen cabinet is going to be. And I'm going to place two other cabinets on the wall. One is for the TV cabinet that is going to be here. And the other one is another cabinet that will serve for the dining table.
Okay, let's just select one of these. It's just for the purpose of showing you how it's going to look. And I'd like to keep it aligned with this wall. Let's place another one. And here we need to adjust the length of this wall. and for the bathroom we'll do it at a later stage on another tutorial and maybe we need to place another carpet here for home decor yeah let's just create a carpet rotate itadjust its dimensions. And then we just need to select it and move it to the bottom.
So this is basically what we are going to do in this tutorial. I hope you guys find this tutorial helpful. Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification bell for the next videos. See you soon in the next tutorial.
Written by Khireddine Z